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Boarding Release

AUTHORIZATION: I certify that I am the legal Owner, or the authorized caretaker of the dog(s) registered with Pampered Puppies.

AGE: I certify that my dog(s) is at least 16 weeks old.

VACCINATIONS: I certify that my dog(s) is healthy and current on vaccinations for Rabies, DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Parainfluenza), and Bordetella (i.e., Canine Cough). If not provided already, I agree that I will provide Pampered Puppies electronic copies of veterinary records proving vaccination has been completed at least 72 hours in advance of the visit.

GOOD HEALTH: I certify that my dog(s) is in good health and not under the care of a veterinarian for a specific illness or ailment at this time.

STERILIZATION: If 9 months old (or more), I certify that my dog(s) is neutered or spayed.

FLEAS & TICKS: My dog(s) is flea and tick free. If it is observed to have fleas or ticks, a flea/tick treatment will be done and charged to me (at the current published rate).

NAILS: My dog(s) nails are well maintained and short. If Pampered Puppies management judges that his/her nails are a danger to their staff or other dogs, the nails will be trimmed and charged to me (at the current published rate).

IMMUNE SYSTEM: I understand special-needs dogs, young puppies, and senior dogs naturally have a higher risk of injury, stress-related illnesses, weakened immune system, or exacerbation of any pre-existing condition. As such, by using our facility I am waiving any claim for injury, illness, or even death experienced by my dog(s) while in the care of Pampered Puppies.

AGGRESSION: I certify that my dog(s) has never bitten or displayed aggression toward other dogs or toward people. Any dog that demonstrates aggression or other behavior deemed unacceptable by Pampered Puppies may be dismissed and/or crated.

RIGHT OF REFUSAL: Pampered Puppies reserves the right to refuse service to any dog or dismiss any dog that does not meet or maintain the health, temperament or other behavioral standards. This determination shall be made at the sole discretion of Pampered Puppies.

DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP: Drop-off is 8am-6pm on the day your reservation begins. Pick-up is 8am-10am on the day your reservation ends. If you pick-up after 10am, but before 1230pm, you will be charged 1⁄2 day of daycare (at the current published rate). If you pick-up after 130pm, you will be charged one full-day of daycare (at the current published rate). Pick-up is not allowed between 1230pm and 130pm.

SUNDAY HOURS: There are no drop-offs or pick-ups on Sundays. Exceptions are at Pampered Puppies management’s discretion.

PERSONAL PROPERTY: I am solely responsible for any harm, including to other dog(s), to employees, or to invitees of Pampered Puppies, or to the equipment, facilities, or other property of Pampered Puppies, caused by my dog(s). I also agree that Pampered Puppies shall not be responsible or liable for any lost or damaged personal property belonging to me.

DOG FOOD: I will provide food to be used for the duration of my dog(s) stay. If I do not provide food, or do not provide enough food to last the entire stay, Pampered Puppies will provide and charge for a bag of food sold in our shop.

CANCELLATIONS: I understand that if I cancel or reschedule my booking with less than one (1) week’s advance notice, I will be charged 50% of the fees as booked. I further understand that if I cancel or reschedule my booking with less than 72 hour’s advance notice, I will be charged 100% of the fees as booked. I also understand that if I do not show up by 6pm on the first day of my booking, my booking will be cancelled, and I will be charged 100% of the fees as booked. Exceptions are at Pampered Puppies management’s discretion.

HOLIDAYS: Pampered Puppies’ capacity is limited, and there is high demand around holidays. Bookings that include the dates listed below will require 100% pre-payment at the time of booking. This pre-payment is not refundable. I also understand that if I pick-up early and shorten the stay, I will not be entitled to prorated refund. Exceptions are at Pampered Puppies management’s discretion.

2023 Premium Dates (ie Holiday Periods):

  • Feb 18 to Feb 26
  • April 15 to April 23
  • May 27 to May 29
  • June 17 to June 19
  • July 1 to July 9
  • Sept 2 to Sept 4
  • Oct 7 to Oct 9
  • Nov 18 to Nov 26
  • Dec 23 to Jan 1, 2024

RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I understand and accept that during normal dog play, my dog(s) may sustain injuries. Dog play is monitored by Pampered Puppies staff, but scratches, punctures, torn ligaments, and other injuries may occur despite supervision. I further understand and agree that Pampered Puppies, nor any of its employees, will be liable for any illness, injury, death, and/or escape of my dog(s) provided that reasonable care and precautions are followed. I hereby release Pampered Puppies staff of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising from or as a result of my dog(s) visiting Pampered Puppies.

I hereby certify that I have read and understand this Waiver and Release of Liability. By signing this agreement, I agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.