ACANA dog food always goes beyond the 1st ingredient, thoughtfully crafted from start to finish. The Wholesome Grains Puppy recipe is packed with delicious free-run chicken, cage-free eggs, and free-run turkey, and complemented with wholesome grains like oats, sorghum, and millet. These grains are high in fiber and gluten-free, offering added nutrition that helps support a healthy digestive environment. Plus, Wholesome Grains Puppy recipe includes even more protein, fat, and Omega-3’s to support your puppy’s growth and development.
The first ingredient is fresh or raw chicken, which is nutrient-dense and high in protein. Refrigeration is the sole method of preservation and all raw ingredients are frozen at their peak freshness.
- No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives are added in the kitchen.
- No legume, gluten or potato ingredients.
- Made in the USA with the world’s finest ingredients in ACANA's award winning kitchen.